Framerate Estimation Filter for OBS
by Eric ‘Puri_Puri’
Twitter: @3fg_inc
What this is:
A video filter that estimates the frame rate of captured video, to show on-screen how well a game renderer is performing.
Tested with Windows 64-bit OBS versions 27.2.4 and 28.0.2
Extract the three files to your OBS install’s plugin\64bit directory. Overwrite the files if they are already present (like if you installed my Lightgun Flash Filter.)
Typically: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit
obs-fps-estimator.dll (OBS filter plugin)
opencv_core454.dll (OpenCV version 4.54 core library)
opencv_imgproc454.dll (OpenCV version 4.54 image processing library)
How to use:
– Put the filter on your capture device. (Filters -> Effect Filters -> FPS Estimator)
– In the filter properties, check the “Analog Source” option if you are capturing from an analog system (even if it is through a nice scaler or RGB setup, there is STILL noise in the image even if you can’t see it).
– By default the FPS reading is drawn on top of the video capture. You can move it and resize it using the sliders in the filter properties.
– There is also an option to output the FPS reading to a .txt file, which can then be used in an OBS text source and placed/styled how you wish. Select a folder for where that file will be written to, and inside that folder will be a “FPS.txt” file that contains the current FPS number.
Known Issues:
– Works best on clean digital (HDMI) signals from systems mid-2000s and newer. Older analog systems usually have noise in the image that throws off the algorithm, but it does its best 😭
– FPS readings between 30 to 60 can be inaccurate due to how frequently capture cards get frames, not much can be done there. I use a rolling average of 15 frames to calculate the approximate FPS.